Thursday, October 25, 2007

Desiring God

Can "Desiring God" be just another thing you are trying to do in your own strength? If I don't desire God, where do I turn? Do I start with the emotional part of yearning and work to whip that up, or do I start with the cold hard facts about the desirability of God, and let my emotional chips fall where they may, while putting my feet in the steps that follow the reality of who God is and who I am.

I know that God says that to love him and each other is the highest law, and the way of the spirit is love. Surely desire is an aspect of love. But our relationship with God is responsive in its essence. No one comes to Jesus unless the Father draws him. Our entire walk with God is on HIS initiative, and Faith is our response to his lead. But even our response, our faith is a gift from him. He has prepared in advance good works for us to do. All the glory is his, all the goodness is His, and good things crafted in our life are by His hand, whether they be desire for God or righteous actions.


Anonymous said...

Another thought-provoking post.

Mike Wilday said...

I think the dilemma is that we are so distracted with other things that temporarily satisfy us that we don't stop to realize that God is always drawing us to himself. Burn down the desire for anything, food, games, tv, internet, love, power, sex, to the root and remove the distraction... all those things are temporary fixes to an eternal cry in our spirit for God. And the funny thing is Psalm 63 says he is the one who satisfies. We are to distracted to notice how often God draws us... I am beginning to believe that we mistake most of the longings he gives for himself, as longings for other things.

N8tive said...

Preach it!

It is nice to hear someone supporting divine election when so many people ("free-willies") want to take credit for salvation or for their apparent "goodness."

I liked your post - give credit where credit is due!

Keep it up!