Monday, February 18, 2008

Sin and Losing your Salvation

Could you address Hebrews 10:26...If you were to accept Jesus and truly know that murder was wrong and do it anyway that is not God moving from you, but you moving from God and that you can lose your everlasting life.

Let's take a step back and look at the larger context of Hebrews 10. The author is laying out the difference between the law and the new covenant. He describes the law as a shadow, not substance, unable to make one perfect, a reminder of sin. In other places it speaks of the law stirring up sin, and causing it to spring to life. No one was ever made righteous by the law, but only by faith. The law is a deal you make with God that says "Be Good and I'll bless you, disobey and suffer." Because of our flesh, this doesn't work on us--we can't be good. Just saying "Be good" makes us be bad.

Hebrews 10:26-27 says "If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God." If we understand that God is good, accepts us, has paid for us, and called us to be his eternal children, the nobility of the universe...and instead of acting in line with that reality act out our disbelief--behave like we must manage our own comfort and security and make our own way, we are not remaining in Christ.

To be saved, we must confess with our mouth AND believe in our heart. What we believe in our heart is demonstrated with our lives. The "work" we are to do in Christ is to believe. Not avoid murdering or stealing, but to believe that God is for us, that he's given his Holy Spirit and that he relates to us as the Bible says he does. That belief plays out in a righteous quality of action. If a person has everything they need, they don't steal. If you are contentedly loved, you don't play the harlot. If you have an awesome future and everything you need right now, it is only logical that you will want to give and love. Out this wealth and secure identity, righteousness flows naturally. If you are living out of something that says that God has not given you this wealth and identity, you are not abiding in Christ.

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