Tuesday, August 19, 2008

On Homeschool Philosophy

Our homeschool group has a little debate going on about whether we should use state provided homeschool programs. This is a portion of my response to that debate:

I don't believe we will retain the long term right to homeschool our kids. That isn't the direction our culture is moving. Does the age of the Beast sound friendly to homeschooling? I don't think so. We can debate whether we might see that age or not, but it seems clear that before the end, freedom will be pretty squashed. Americans are consistently giving up their personal responsibility (and freedom) in favor of being taken care of. Is using school services just another fruit of this mindset? That's a question I have to put to my own heart.

I don't intend to sound overly pessimistic, but the reality is that our culture is NOT becoming more Christian and Jesus isn't likely to be elected president any time soon. Parts of the homeschool culture have projected a vision of a progressive take over of America/the World by making more moral laws and electing Christian officials. It is good to elect wise and good people to office, and it is good to make godly laws. Wearing clothes from the 1800s and making our own food is fun. But the Bible does not teach that the world will be slowly and subtly transformed in this way. Revelation indicates things will get really repressive before Jesus returns to set up a just and perfect Kingdom. Let's make the best of our times (because they are pretty good times), but have our eyes on THAT age, when Jesus radically revolutionizes the world --makes it a New World.

It's a nice place we have, but it isn't home. I think HSLDA's perspective tips a bit too much toward thinking we can vote a righteous governement into place--that this world is salvageable. By all means, lets preserve freedom as long as we can. But let's not be shocked when we find it a losing battle, nor lose hope: our world needs rescuing, and it will be rescued.

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