Friday, November 2, 2007

Order in the House

I just read a book called "Get Your Act Together" by Pam Young and her sister. They are a couple of reformed slobs, who share their system and encouragement with recovered slob wannabes.

Remarkably, reading the book has not distracted me from my household duties too much. We have gotten most of the house pretty straightened up this last week and a half. The plan is to get rid of as much junk as I can, and actually *do* the hour of housework that is written in my schedule every afternoon. It appears that I (or something) have finally convinced my hubby that it is habits that will save us, and now he is nagging me to change my habits instead of cleaning like a maniac for a day or two to fix it all at once. I don't know who this person is that has so changed his tune, but what he is speaking is indeed the only way to lasting peace.

I've hauled at least ten boxes away to goodwill, and many trash sacks to the garbage. I gave away things at mini school today. There is more to go in every room of the house. The SLOB sisters say that most houses need to get rid of 90% of their junk to be manageable! Yikes, that seems like a lot! But, wow, it would be like a dream to have that much less to take care of.

So, now I'm accountable to all of you. I am getting rid of junk, defending clean space, and doing my hour each day! If any of you in Africa, Europe or Asia want to encourage me to keep on this, feel free! (I can't imagine why anyone so far off would care what I have to say!)

1 comment:

Diana said...

Oh, how fun! At the risk of sounding like a crazy and twisted person, I LOVE getting rid of junk. I don't have anything to get rid of anymore so sometimes my sister is kind enough to let me help her go through the junk in her garage. Maybe THAT'S what I should do for a living - help people clear clutter.

I've always found that clearing the physical clutter is the same thing as clearing the mental clutter. I hope you find some peace or enjoyment in it!