Thursday, September 6, 2007

There's More

Faith says “There’s More.”

Sometimes I’m tempted to close my hand and withhold what is asked because my resources are limited. “I can’t give you this, it’s all I have!”

But Faith says, “There’s more!” and freely gives out of the wealth of the Father.

Sometimes, I close my eyes in fear, and resist what is or might be. “This horrible thing is all there will ever be!”

But Faith says, “There’s more!” and extends the vision of eternal peace and life on a restored Earth, sharing in the glory of the Son.

Sometimes, I am sure I am all alone. “No one is beside me, no one understands!”

But Faith says, “There’s more!” and reveals a host of brothers and sisters that share in One Faith, One baptism, and pursue the same God and Father of all.

Sometimes, I smugly declare that I’ve understood it all. “I have grasped the mind of God.”

And Faith, smiling, says, “There’s more!” and reveals treasures to the horizon, untasted.

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