Sunday, September 23, 2007

Let's Go to the Potluck!

"I am only asking you to go to a potluck, not marry these people!"

"I have nothing in common with them! It isn't like I haven't tried! I spent a year trying to connect with them. We don't mean the same things by what we say. We aren't pursuing the same gospel."

"How can you say that? The same God is that is leading you is also leading them. They are saved--the Holy Spirit is in them, leading them into all truth. Yes, they are out to lunch on some points. Are you saying that you aren't?"

"I'm sure I have some things wrong. But I don't want to lose the good that I do have by soaking in what I know isn't true. And I absolutely do not want my kids taught the "try harder" gospel!"

"I don't want that either. But couldn't you just spend one day every six months talking with someone about what God is saying to them, and share what's going on in your walk and be connected a bit on what you do share in common? I feel so edified when I find that people who have very different views are being led in the same things as I am by God."

"We are different in that way. I wish I could feel that too. But I don't. I feel sad. Deeply, deeply sad that the good news that is so essential isn't preached or lived or embraced there! I know that it brings bondage and destruction to believe what they preach. I don't want to be there for the hurt that it will cause."

"Well that's very loving! 'You're bound for pain so I don't want to go with you!' I know it makes a difference when we speak the truth to each other. Even people that argue with you about the extent of the Grace of God are introduced to an iota of doubt by your saying you are so forgiven that you needn't ask for more forgiveness. They may not be pursuaded, but they are at least aware of the question! It takes time! You can't expect to walk in the door and have people change their schema the first time it is discussed!"

"I don't. I don't want to change anyone's schema. I just want fellowship. And encouragement. And they don't believe what I believe. They are trying to build faith by whipping up emotion and it is doomed."

"You are overstating the separation. And it becomes wider in your absence. You don't miss talking with Mike, or Dan, or Earl?"

"I do like talking with those guys, but they really don't understand what I'm talking about. I am a lot of work for them. I disrupt what they are doing. It is more merciful for me to not rock their boats."

"Sometimes it is more loving to rock a person's boat than to leave them in calm water."

"That's true--but only if God tells you to rock it. God didn't tell me to rock their boat."

"You are impossible. I just want to go to the potluck, sing songs and talk with people."

"I don't care if I never sing another worship song again."

"How can you say that? I love to sing. I need the bolstering of my faith that meditating on the truth brings."

"Now, see what I mean? You are using the word faith as if it was a feeling."

"Be that as it may, singing about the goodness and power of God helps me believe that it is true and makes me more likely to live like it is. And that IS faith--living like God is all that."

"Well, it doesn't do that for me, and I don't trust my heart to be led by people who obviously believe things that are false. I am not interested in entering into an altered state of consciousness at their mercy."

"I just imagine a way in which the words could be true. It works for me."

"That's great for you--but what about your kids? We have a responsiblity to raise our kids in faith. And the road of emotionalism and law will baptize them into flesh and self effort, not trusting God."

"I still want to go to the potluck."


Whovian said...

Which PotLuck?

We go to the Family Potluck because Mom and Dad expect us to be there. We have various relationship issues, from strong bonds to deep wounds. But we still go. Even if the wounds are great and the bonds aren't.

We go to the Church Potluck because we choose to fellowship there with other believers. Again we have similar bonds and wounds but normally of a lesser intensity.

We often overlook the Family issues because the bond of blood is stronger than the bond of belief. The overlooking of some belief issues can hurt us as can overlooking certain family issues. Some of us have to make the tough descision not to go to family and not to go to church, depending on the risk to all, especially our kids.

So, ideally we'd be more committed to the Church (body of christ, bro and sis in christ, one father over all) than the Family. But what we believe is always open to change based on information, tradition, teaching, new revalation etc. We don't get to pick our parents but we do get to pick our fellow believers.

But do we really get to choose? If we were lead by the spirit, to fellowship with "those believers" we would go. If they are not "all together" sound we would ask the Lord for guidance. Based on testing against scripture and the Spirit leading us we will either continue to fellowship or move where we are lead. Or just wait on the Lord to lead.

So we examine our motives and find what the spirit wants. Maybe we go to the potluck and try, or maybe we are not supposed to try anymore. Maybe you arrange a potluck and let "those believers" decide if they want to come(risky -hehe) to yours. If you were lead to of course.

Mike Wilday said...

You can let your husband know that I like talking to him, but, I don't think he understands me either!

I love you guys!

Mike Wilday said...

PS. I Started my blog... :)

Chuck said...

Mike, what do you mean?