Monday, September 17, 2007

Earth or Heaven?

If heaven is our home, why don't the meek get to come? Are the persecuted and the meek going two different places?

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. ....Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


Kevin Beck said...

Great observation. So much of Christian theology is based on assumptions that have little resemblance to what's actually in the Bible.

If I may be so bold, I wrote a little something about the meek and their inheritance.

if you're interested, I'd love to hear your feedback. If not that's cool too.


eleventh hour said...

I read your article, and a couple others as well. I see you label yourself as Transmillenial, and I'm interested in reading more about that. You appear to be suggesting that the advent of the New Covenant coincided with the age of blessing so often referred to in the Old Testament--only instead of the promise being for physical land, it is for spiritual land (if I am understanding.)

It brings to mind something that Christ said in John, about "a time is coming and has now come...(something about the ones who are in darkness being called forth) and "a time is coming" when all will be called from the grave. I think it is possible that Christ's warnings were both for the destruction of the temple and broader destruction at the end of the age, just as many of the messianic promises had an immediate fullfillment and a fullfillment in Christ.

Mike Wilday said...

They are both going to collide in the end of time.

Anonymous said...

I don't think meek and persecuted are necessarily two separate entities. Can't someone be meek and persecuted at the same time?

eleventh hour said...

Yes, I think that you can be both meek and persecuted. The question is more, how can you both inherit the earth AND the Kingdom of Heaven? Sneaky point being that our hope is heaven on earth.