Thursday, September 20, 2007

I Don't Have To

A partial list of things I don’t have to do:

Keep up with the culture
Go to church
Fix my friends
Say something
Shave my toes
Make my children perfect
Apologize for the color of my hair
Make my husband happy
Write in my blog everyday forever
Explain why
Strangle my brother in law
Handle tomorrow today
Teach grammar this year
Get along with everybody
Have a “Ministry”
Sing well before I sing with all my heart

1 Cor 6:12-13"Everything is permissible for me"-but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"-but I will not be mastered by anything.


Anonymous said...

I'm curious what you mean...yes, you don't have to do all those things, but don't you want to do some of them?

eleventh hour said...

I mean a lot of things there. It's about freedom, really, I suppose, and about being being a creature not the almighty. I can't make my husband happy--I mean, I can be kind, and he will often feel pleasure in me, but if he doesn't want to be happy, I can't *make* him. I don't have to take on my brother in law when I think he's a jerk--I can let it go, let God make/form/create him and my friends and my children without feeling like I have to form everyone. Each item is something I do feel either an internal desire to do, or an external press to do. Which things were you curious about?

Mike Wilday said...

shaving your toes. :)

Elysa said...

I also smiled at the "shaving your toes" line! :) I didn't even KNOW I was supposed to shave my toes til I went on a choir tour as a teenager and saw another youth girl doing that task. I guess its a good thing I saw, otherwise, my husband would have not just a child named for a hobbit, but a wife with very hobbity toes. Yes, they are THAT hairy! LOL!

I'm enjoying perusing your blog. I came over here after you left a comment on my blog. BTW, do I know you in "real life" or thru the FIAR boards? Or did you find my musings some other way. Just curious...

I'm cursed that way.;)